Finally, my zine is done! It is called Femme, and it is a collection of illustrations and comics that concern all the complexities of being a girl! Insecurity, crushes, heartbreak, love, humor, and beauty, all drawn by me in this wonderful little 14 page volume.
This is something I have been dreaming up for years and years and freakin' years. I have had some version of it in my mind the whole time, stirring around. What kept me from doing it until now? Probably my crippling perfectionism that makes me loathe the idea of doing something if it isn't exactly the way I pictured it. Well lately, I have been fighting that kind of negativity! I need to stop looking at every piece of art I make as if it's the last thing I'll ever make. It's terribly romantic I suppose, but it only leads to not making half the things I think of because I'm unwilling to budge from the original idea! This is not a good way to make art I've decided. I have to start living in the moment and going with the flow!
So I made it, and it turned out more lovely than I could have imagined. And it's only Volume I, so in the next one I can put in all the things I didn't get to put in this one! This zine is very special to me, and now it represents my strength in getting over my insecurities and fears about my own art!